Individual Therapy for Adults
Appointments are 60 minutes.
Age 18-23 years
This is a confidential process to help understand current distress and/or situation and how to help move through problems, "stuck" points, and potential blocks in order to set the individual on the path to adulthood.
Sessions use talk therapy, cognitive behavioral techniques, emotional regulation skills, and mindfulness tools to help understand and move through distressing situations or life changes. These sessions always take into account the individual person, his/her present developmental place in life, personal history, situations in current life, and what he/she wants to make better.
Age 23 years and up
This is a confidential process to help understand current distress and/or situation and how to help move through problems, "stuck points", and potential blocks in order to reset or enrich one's life path.
Sessions use talk therapy, cognitive behavioral techniques, emotional regulation skills and mindfulness tools to help understand and move through distressing situations or life changes, looking at what is working in life and what is not working - and how to make that better. This process always takes into account the individual person, his/her present developmental place in life, personal history, situations in current life, and what he or she wants to make better.